Mobile Marketing

Simply put mobile marketing is any kind of marketing done to appeal to mobile device users, now once upon a time that was very few but now that is practically everyone spending more time on their phones doing a wide variety of different things, such as playing game apps or browsing webpages, with the development of smartphones and other mobile devices (Marrs, 2021).

So the most important thing you have to do, is make sure that your website and email is optimised to work on those devices. This means it has to scale to the appropriate screen size with all text, images, videos, buttons and options being easy to read and easy to use with the touch of a finger (Gove, 2021).

There are two main techniques used when thinking of mobile marketing:

  • App-based Marketing 
    • This is where an advertisement would show up in an application a person is using, such as a banner ad on facebook or a trailer shared on twitter for an upcoming video game/movie or tv show.
  • In-Game mobile marketing 
    • This is where an advertisement would appear in a mobile game whilst the user is playing it like a banner ad at the bottom of the screen of either the menus or even the game's gameplay or even a small trailer played on a loading screen. As such this often seen as the best place to advertise your own game or game related product as most people spend their time on a mobile game app (Marrs, 2021).


Marrs, M., 2021. What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much?. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" ws="" 2013="" 08="" 19="" what-is-mobile-marketing=""> [Accessed 8 June 2021].</https:>

Gove, J., 2021. What Makes a Good Mobile Site?  |  Web Fundamentals  |  Google Developers. [online] Google Developers. Available at: <https:"" web="" fundamentals="" design-and-ux="" principles=""> [Accessed 8 June 2021].</https:>

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