Email Marketing

Email marketing is essential exactly what it says on the tin, any kind of marketing that is done via email. This marketing technique is usually employed with users/customers who have already shown an interest in your business and are seeking further information or updates about what you are offering now and in the future.

Whilst social media is thought to be the booming edge in attracting people's attention, email is still leading the way at acquiring new customers at over 40 times more and at the same time generating the highest ROI for companies (New, 2021). 

A technique most common with email marketing is that of newsletters. Newsletters are most often used to inform your customers/consumers of the latest news, tips or updates about your product/service and your company as a whole. They can also help improve your sales, increase traffic at your website and even increase your following on social media (New, 2021).

Of course if it's an email full of just information this can easily bore your customers and might possibly get them to unsubscribe, which is why Personalisation comes into effect. You can use a newsletter to connect you with your customers allowing you to showcase your brand's personality as well as tailoring each email to each subscribers preferences, what they most want to see and read about, thanks to the advances in email automation (New, 2021).


New, K., 2021. Email Newsletter Tips & Examples To Showcase Your Brand. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" email-marketing="" why-email-newsletters-need-be-part-of-digital-marketing-strategy=""> [Accessed 7 June 2021].</https:>

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